This Is How You Do Convenience Food: March 6-22

This year we condensed ski season into one month. March started in the Methow Valley—the second largest, cross-country ski system in the US. The month ended at a ski-in lodge near the Whistler nordic area—you know, of Olympics fame. Between those weekends, I did very little grocery shopping. Instead, I relied on a lot of… Continue reading “This Is How You Do Convenience Food: March 6-22”

Everything Good in Life—Bread, Cheese and Japanese Food: February 6-March 2

Surprise. January felt long for once. Now February has been a blur. I blame these guys: Alma (left) wondering how I could have forgotten her lunch again. Allen (right) considering whether to bite me. And no, it’s not an optical illusion. These two really are the same size. Fine, I only had them for a… Continue reading “Everything Good in Life—Bread, Cheese and Japanese Food: February 6-March 2”

The Protein Craze: January 30-February 3

My resolution for 2017 was to address one goal a month. I don’t usually make resolutions. But this resolution felt noncommittal; I resolved to decide on a goal when the time came. Perfect! The “do-it-tomorrow” syndrome. Anyone familiar? It’s my husband’s favorite planning app. Not that he actually uses it. Because (let’s be honest), it’s… Continue reading “The Protein Craze: January 30-February 3”

What Can You Make Right Now? January 23-27

Before this week, I hadn’t been to the grocery store since early December. That’s not to say I haven’t bought any food. Although, I haven’t bought a whole lot. There’s the almost weekly visits to the farmers market. Plus a few random exploits—holiday shopping at Pike Place Market or stopping at local shops while in… Continue reading “What Can You Make Right Now? January 23-27”