It’s not a short week for everyone, but it’s a short one for me. It feels like this week is less about cooking, and more about processing lots of food for cooking later. Enter vegetable soup. And it’s cousin, lettuce soup. Home late Monday night after three weeks away meant there was almost no fresh… Continue reading “The Versatility of Homemade Vegetable Soup: October 18-21”
Author: Micaela Ellison
Eat Your Veggies Because There’s No Other Choice: September 19-23
I love fruits and vegetables. Obviously. That’s part of why I have a CSA (community supported agriculture) subscription. But even I get overwhelmed sometimes by inexhaustible quantities of produce. Especially when short on time. In any case, I work through it and then I remember. Eating your veggies is so much easier than you think!… Continue reading “Eat Your Veggies Because There’s No Other Choice: September 19-23”
The Week of Fennel Pollen, Flowers, and Fronds: September 12-16
Fennel in any form is uncommon to many. Fennel the vegetable is a white bulb with green fronds (both edible, by the way). Then there’s fennel seeds, which are used alone or in spice blends. So maybe you’re familiar with those, but have you used fennel pollen (also called fennel flowers or fennel blossoms)? And… Continue reading “The Week of Fennel Pollen, Flowers, and Fronds: September 12-16”
Cereal and Why Hot Is Better Than Cold
With the weather cooling down again and fall approaching, it’s time to talk about HOT CEREAL! I should start by saying, I love hot cereal (I ate it almost every weekday for nine years). Furthermore, even as a kid, I hated cold cereal. Well, hated is a strong word—I’ve seen photos of me eating Cheerios—but… Continue reading “Cereal and Why Hot Is Better Than Cold”
Are Meal Plans for You?
I started the kitchenlister blog almost a month ago and I’m excited to already be writing this tenth post about meal plans! Thinking about it, I realized this blog was intended to be about cooking AND starting a business. I definitely have more pearls of wisdom to share about cooking. I’m hoping you can share… Continue reading “Are Meal Plans for You?”