Homemade Doesn’t Mean Complicated: March 27-31

An easy and nutritious start to the week after a weekend away? Hot cereal to the rescue. Carry simplicity into the week with frozen slices of homemade bread and freezer jam: Weekday convenience: whole wheat toast made with homemade bread from the freezer. Spread with almond butter and raspberry freezer jam. Served with black coffee…. Continue reading “Homemade Doesn’t Mean Complicated: March 27-31”

This Is How You Do Convenience Food: March 6-22

This year we condensed ski season into one month. March started in the Methow Valley—the second largest, cross-country ski system in the US. The month ended at a ski-in lodge near the Whistler nordic area—you know, of Olympics fame. Between those weekends, I did very little grocery shopping. Instead, I relied on a lot of… Continue reading “This Is How You Do Convenience Food: March 6-22”

Why You Should Buy Whole Chickens (And Less of Them)

Let’s jump right in with a quick tip for a healthy diet. Replace some (or all) of your meat-based proteins with plant-based ones. I’m focusing on chicken here because of it’s growing popularity. It’s also an easy place to start. There’s only one “cut” of chicken you need. It’s not a cut at all, in… Continue reading “Why You Should Buy Whole Chickens (And Less of Them)”

Everything Good in Life—Bread, Cheese and Japanese Food: February 6-March 2

Surprise. January felt long for once. Now February has been a blur. I blame these guys: Alma (left) wondering how I could have forgotten her lunch again. Allen (right) considering whether to bite me. And no, it’s not an optical illusion. These two really are the same size. Fine, I only had them for a… Continue reading “Everything Good in Life—Bread, Cheese and Japanese Food: February 6-March 2”