As if I didn’t do enough baking in March … Home-baked goods are the best. Baking can get addictive. An assortment of baked goods (clockwise from top left). Whole wheat focaccia with lots of toppings. Roasted cabbage, beets, garlic, leeks, kalamata olives, red pepper flakes and blue cheese. Recipe adapted from Fresh Pantry. Whole wheat… Continue reading “Endless Effortless Meals for Spring: April 3-28”
Author: Micaela Ellison
Using Recipes as Inspiration and How to Adapt Them to Your Needs
Read only a few of my blog posts and you’ll often see words like “based on” and “adapted from” in reference to recipes. I use recipes to find flavor combinations and cooking techniques I have yet to try. Recipes provide a ready source of inspiration. But who wants to pick out a bunch of recipes,… Continue reading “Using Recipes as Inspiration and How to Adapt Them to Your Needs”
Oysters, Oysters, Everywhere, Delicious With a Drink
So I might have called oyster shucking a life skill. Is it really? No, not really. But it is a fun skill to have—one I’ve put to good use since acquiring it about two months ago. Ever since our trip to Boston where we ate oysters every day for $3–$3.50 a piece, these bivalves have… Continue reading “Oysters, Oysters, Everywhere, Delicious With a Drink”

Healthy Baking: Make Recipes Better With These Tips
I often write about using recipes as ideas. In fact, I find it almost impossible not to cook this way. Choosing a recipe, shopping for ingredients, and studying each step is time consuming. The results are often disappointing and the effort too high. Moreover, improvisation is essential for more nutritious cooking—whether its wholesome meals or… Continue reading “Healthy Baking: Make Recipes Better With These Tips”
Using the Pantry Notebook for Your Freezer
In my week in review post I mentioned the handy soup I pulled out of the freezer for instant homemade lunches. How did I know it was in there? Well, it started way back in September when I made the soup. At that time, I checked off “canned bean soup” in the pantry list view… Continue reading “Using the Pantry Notebook for Your Freezer”